Privacy Policy
Your Privacy
Our Privacy Policy
Nambucca Valley Tourism Association Inc. has used reasonable endeavours to ensure that material (defined as all data available from this website, e.g. webpage content, contact details, maps, photos or images, graphs or charts, weather or news data, information obtained from online services, etc.) contained on this webpage (and all other websites under Nambucca Valley Tourism Association Inc.) was correct and up-to-date at the time the page was created or last modified.
However, Nambucca Valley Tourism Association Inc. gives no warranty and accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or the completeness of the material; no reliance should be made by any user on the material, but instead the user should check for confirmation with the originating or authorising business unit, department or other body; and Nambucca Valley Tourism Association Inc. reserves the right at any time to make changes as it deems appropriate.
Nambucca Valley Tourism Association Inc. provides external links as a service to users of its website. In providing an external link the Nambucca Valley Tourism Association Inc. does not accept responsibility for or endorse the content or condition of any linked site.
Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy applies to all the publicly accessible pages on the Nambucca Valley Tourism Association Inc. website.
Users of the Nambucca Valley Tourism Association Inc. website are entitled to expect that any information as a result of that use will be treated within the terms of the NSW Government’s privacy responsibilities and obligations. Our privacy practices are regulated by the NSW Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998.
What information do we collect?
When you look at the pages on the Nambucca Valley Tourism Association Inc. website, our computers automatically record information that identifies, for each page accessed: The IP (Internet Protocol) address of the machine which has accessed it; your top-level domain name (for example .com, .gov, .au, .uk etc.); the address of your server; the date and time of your visit to the site; the pages accessed and documents downloaded; the previous site visited; and the type of browser and operating system you have used.
How do we use the information collected?
The information collected during each visit is aggregated with similar logged information and published in reports in order for Nambucca Valley Tourism Association Inc. to identify patterns of usage of the site. This will assist us in improving the site and the services offered on it.
Nambucca Valley Tourism Association Inc. will not disclose or publish information that identifies individual machines, or potentially identifies sub-groupings of addresses, without consent or otherwise in accordance with the NSW Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998.
What exceptions are there to this rule?
Nambucca Valley Tourism Association Inc. will collect, use and disclose more extensive information than stated above in the following circumstances:
- Unauthorised attempts to access files which are not published Nambucca Valley Tourism Association Inc. pages.
- Unauthorised tampering or interference with files published on the Nambucca Valley Tourism Association Inc. website.
- Unauthorised attempts to index the contents of the Nambucca Valley Tourism Association Inc. website by other sites.
- Attempts to intercept messages of other users of the Nambucca Valley Tourism Association Inc. website.
- Communications which are defamatory, abusive, vilify individuals or groups, or which give rise to a suspicion that an offence is being committed.
- Attempts to otherwise compromise the security of the web server, breach the laws of the State of New South Wales or Commonwealth of Australia, or interfere with the use of the Nambucca Valley Tourism Association Inc. website by other users.
Nambucca Valley Tourism Association Inc. reserves the right to make disclosures to relevant authorities where the use of the Nambucca Valley Tourism Association Inc. site raises a suspicion that an offence is being, or has been, committed. In the event of an investigation, Nambucca Valley Tourism Association Inc. will provide access to data to any law enforcement agency that may exercise a warrant to inspect our logs.
Nambucca Valley Tourism Association Inc. is confident that if users bear in mind the matters described above, then this site, and the online discussion forums and chat sessions which take place on the site, will provide both a fantastic information source as well as a unique opportunity for you to share your views on relevant topics. We trust that you will enjoy using the site as much as we look forward to hearing your views and opinions.
If you have any questions in relation to the site or would like more information about Nambucca Valley Tourism Association Inc. please feel free to contact us.
Nambucca Valley Tourism Association Inc. does not have any responsibility for the privacy policies or practices of third party sites linked to Nambucca Valley Tourism Association Inc. website.